Dr. Markus Junker
Managing Director
Irion & Junker Projektmanagement GmbH
Am Rechental 17
66903 Gries
+49 (0) 6373 8962-13
Responsible for editorial content pursuant to § 55 Para. 2 of the German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (RStV):
Dr. Markus Junker
Irion & Junker Projektmanagement GmbH
Am Rechental 17
66903 Gries
Tax number 19/669/0607/9
VAT ID number DE266637852
HRB 30535, Amtsgericht Zweibrücken
Registered office of the Company: Gries
Managing Director: Dr. Markus Junker
Copyright notice:
All content on this website, in particular texts, photos and graphics, are protected under copyright law.
Irion & Junker Projektmanagement GmbH owns the rights to use the photos and other images.
Downloading, copying or distributing the content is permitted only with regard to materials explicitly so
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without the permission of the author.
All stock photo material has been purchased directly from fotolia by Irion & Junker Projektmanagement GmbH. Publication permissions for other images (e.g. project images) can be viewed with Markus Junker.
Stefanie Schulz, www.brandElements.de, Karlsruhe
Webprogrammierung, technische Umsetzung
Torq-Dev, www.torq-dev.de